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Discover the Enchanting Beauty of Bandung: 8 Unforgettable Tourist Gems

Discover the Enchanting Beauty of Bandung: 8 Unforgettable Tourist Gems

8 Exciting and Interesting Tourist Attractions in Bandung Natural and artificial beauty can be enjoyed by visitors through the following recommendations for tourist attractions in Bandung.

Looking to embark on a remarkable journey to Bandung? Prepare to be captivated by the breathtaking blend of natural wonders and man-made marvels that await you. We've handpicked eight enthralling tourist attractions in Bandung that promise an exhilarating and unforgettable experience. Brace yourself for an adventure like no other!

Bandung is the capital city of West Java province. This city was once known as the Flower City and Paris van Java because at the beginning of the 20th century, this city became a tourist destination for the Dutch colonialists. Because it is located in the highlands, Bandung is known for its cool air. This makes Bandung a tourist destination. Tourist attractions in Bandung offer a variety of attractions and beautiful natural scenery. When visiting, don't miss the following tourist attractions in Bandung.

1. Tangkuban Perahu 

Tangkuban Perahu is an active volcano located 30 km north of Bandung city towards Lembang. Its location in the highlands of the suburbs of Bandung makes Tangkuban Perahu Crater suitable for enjoying the cool air and relaxing. This tourist spot in Bandung is the only crater in Indonesia that you can drive to the edge. Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape and looks like an overturned boat.

The legends of Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang also created their own atmosphere. Tangkuban Perahu has an important role in the development of the surrounding Parahyangan Highlands. The eruption greatly contributed to the formation and fertility of the hills north of Bandung as it passed through the lava flows that carried boulders into the valley.

2. Braga Street

Braga Street is a tourist spot in Bandung that is suitable for walking and enjoying the city atmosphere. There are many restaurants and cafes here where you can stop by for a drink and a bite to eat. With a length of 700 meters, Braga Street offers historical tours, ancient and modern cuisine, art and souvenir tours, as well as becoming an icon of night tourism in the city of Bandung. All corners of Braga Street are rich in unique colonial buildings so that they become an attraction for visitors to take pictures.

3. Lembang Park & ​​Zoo

If you are on vacation in Bandung, the Lembang area is a must visit, especially Lembang Park & ​​Zoo tourism. This tourist spot in Bandung is located at Jalan Colonel Masturi No. 171, Sukajaya, Lembang, West Bandung Regency, West Java. After paying for the entrance ticket, the first thing you will find at Lembang Park & ​​Zoo is a parking area that provides a playground for children. There are swings, trampolines, and various other children's games. In this area, visitors who come are prohibited from smoking because this area is specially made to create a comfortable environment for children while playing. Entering the animal area, visitors can learn about various species ranging from birds, primates, reptiles to mammals. Lembang Park & ​​Zoo also presents an interesting and educative animal parade and bird show.

4. The Lodge Maribaya

The Lodge Maribaya is an outdoor adventure theme park. This tourist destination offers camping activities, group activities and trekking in a beautiful natural environment close to the pine forest. This inn is located about five kilometers east of Maribaya waterfall, another local tourist spot close to Bandung city, and is located at an altitude of more than 1000 m above sea level.

Outside the pine forest around The Lodge Maribaya, visitors can enjoy beautiful mountain views from all directions. There is also the Cikapundung river which presents gurgling water. The air around this tour is cool with a refreshing breeze.

5. Bamboo Hamlet NATURAL TOURISM OF BAMBOO hamlet

Dusun Bambu is located at Jalan Kolonel Masturi No. KM. 11, Kertawangi, Kec. Cisarua, West Bandung Regency, West Java. This tourist spot offers many activities for children and families. The Dusun Bambu area is very wide, so it is divided into several places, namely Taman Arimbi, Kampung Ulin, Tegal Pangulinan, Rabbit Labyrinth, Rabbit Wonderland, Creativity Ship, and Bamboo Playground.

There are many attractions on offer, from children's playgrounds, to archery for adults, visitors can choose activities based on their preferences. In terms of landscape, Dusun Bambu presents a soothing atmosphere with its beautiful decorations and mountainous backdrop.

6. Saung Angklung Mang Udjo 

Saung angklung Udjo Located in the bustling eastern part of Bandung, Saung Angklung Mang Udjo is an educational tour to preserve the angklung musical instrument. In this saung, there is a simple amphitheater that is used to perform angklung music. Through the melodious sound of angklung, Saung Angklung Mang Udjo strives to spread the values ​​of simplicity, cooperation, unity, and togetherness, as well as maintain a reciprocal relationship between humans and the environment.

This saung was founded in 1966 by the late Udjo Ngalagena (1929-2001) and his wife, the late Uum Sumiyati. His efforts to introduce and promote angklung finally paid off when UNESCO included Angklung on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List in November 2010.

7. Cikapundung Terrace

Teras Cikapundung is located only six kilometers from the city center on Jalan Siliwangi. This tourist spot in Bandung was built lower than the road to drown out traffic noise. Visitors can sit on benches around which resemble an amphitheater. Cikapundung Terrace offers fun activities to try. There are options such as a quiet river excursion or an adrenaline rush with white water rafting.

The unique thing at Cikapundung Terrace is fish therapy. For only Rp. 10 thousand, visitors can dip their feet in the pond and the fish will bite the skin to clean the layer of dirt and dead skin cells. Every night, the fountain at the Cikapundung Terrace holds a show from 17:00 to 20:00 WIB.

8. Situ Patenggang

Situ Patenggang is a lake with beautiful natural beauty. This area is about 47 KM to the south from the center of Bandung. From the city of Bandung, visitors who use private vehicles can go directly to the Situ Patenggang area through Ciwidey. The area is about 60 ha.

After passing through the entrance gate, you will pass through acres of tea plantations before arriving at a lake with a small island in the middle. Around it, there is a wide expanse of Rancabali tea plantation area and a beautiful and cool pine forest area.

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